Afghanistan Taliban

Taliban Redux: Afghanistan 3 Years After the Fall of Kabul
By Tushar Shetty
Zahra Joya and Shanthie D’Souza unpack the Taliban regime, its suppression of women and minorities, and the wider consequences of its rule on global terror and geopolitics.

The Taliban Are Entrenched in Afghanistan After 2 Years of Rule
By Riazat Butt
There's no armed or political opposition with enough domestic or foreign support to topple the Taliban.

Do the Taliban Have Transnational Ambitions?
By Maryam Baryalay and Abdul Mateen Imran
The Taliban’s Arabic-language manifesto provides a blueprint for establishing an Islamic Emirate that could be applied outside Afghanistan.

Does the World Need to Recognize the Taliban?
By Maryam Jami
Can the international community continue to recognize Afghanistan without recognizing the Taliban?

How Will the Taliban Affect Violent Extremism in Mindanao?
By Kenneth Yeo
Violent extremists in the southern Philippines have generally remained aloof from global jihadist currents, but Manila should not be complacent.

What the Taliban Takeover in Afghanistan Means for IS Supporters in Indonesia
By V. Arianti and Unaesah Rahmah
In line with the official stance of IS and its affiliates, Indonesian IS supporters view the Taliban as polytheistic and even apostate.

Can India Engage With the Taliban?
By Mohamed Zeeshan
While domestic politics and moral compulsions pull India away from the Taliban, its strategic interests will push it to engage with the new government in Kabul.

The Taliban, 9/11 and An American Evacuation
By Luke Hunt
A conversation about the last 20 years in Afghanistan.

In Afghanistan, Deja Vu All Over Again
By Aidai Masylkanova
Just as in 2014, there is a sense of anxiety bordering on panic about the impending U.S. withdrawal.

Afghanistan: War in the Time of Coronavirus
By Ezzatullah Mehrdad
Despite a peace deal and the devastating spread of COVID-19, the Afghan war sill rages on.

Afghanistan: Between Hope and Hopelessness
By Daud Khattak
The biggest obstacle to peace is no longer the Taliban, but the political fractures in Kabul.

The Rocky Road From Doha to Intra-Afghan talks
By Matthew Willner-Reid
6 potential pitfalls could upend talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban before they even begin.
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