
Afghanistan warlords

Kabul Is Not Quite Saigon, and It Was All Too Easy

Kabul Is Not Quite Saigon, and It Was All Too Easy

By Luke Hunt
Where was the Afghan military and the warlords?
Afghanistan’s Wildcard Warlords

Afghanistan’s Wildcard Warlords

By Waleed Mir
Warlords are a volatile group and with uncertainty looming in Afghanistan, these strongmen may look to protect their own interests first.

Tensions Mount Between Afghan Government, Powerful Warlord

Tensions Mount Between Afghan Government, Powerful Warlord

By Rahim Faiez
The government has launched an assault in central Maidan Wardak province, vowing to punish the warlord, Abdul Ghani Alipoor, after the defense minister accused his fighters of shooting down a military helicopter.

A Decentralized Government Is Not the Answer to Afghanistan’s Problems

A Decentralized Government Is Not the Answer to Afghanistan’s Problems

By Ajmal Burhanzoi
In Afghanistan's case, devolving power to local institutions will only encourage further jihadism designed to wring concessions from the state.

Here Come Afghanistan’s Youth

Here Come Afghanistan’s Youth

By Ezzatullah Mehrdad
Afghanistan’s election was a battle between traditional strongmen and young optimists.
Afghanistan: A Game of Thrones

Afghanistan: A Game of Thrones

By Ahmad Mohibi
Vice President Dostum’s return to Afghanistan underlines the complexity of the battle for political influence.

Ghani Goes After Afghanistan’s Warlords

Ghani Goes After Afghanistan’s Warlords

By Mushtaq Rahim
In order to succeed, Ghani’s crackdown on warlords must proceed transparently and cut a wide path across Afghanistan.
Afghanistan: Technocrats vs. Warlords

Afghanistan: Technocrats vs. Warlords

By Ahmad Shah Katawazai
At a critical moment for peace talks with the Taliban, warlords and strongmen pose a challenge to the central government.

When Will Afghan Civilians Get Justice?

When Will Afghan Civilians Get Justice?

By Neha Dwivedi
Further delay in delivering justice for civilians killed in U.S. airstrikes plays into the hands of the Taliban.

Troop Levels Aren't Afghanistan's Problem. An Increasingly Illegitimate Government Is.

Troop Levels Aren't Afghanistan's Problem. An Increasingly Illegitimate Government Is.

By Noah Coburn
Ordinary Afghans are growing ever more pessimistic about the National Unity Government.

Afghanistan: Choosing Peace Over Justice

Afghanistan: Choosing Peace Over Justice

By Neha Dwivedi
In sidelining justice for peace, Afghanistan has wound up enjoying neither.
Afghanistan's Militias: The Enemy Within?

Afghanistan's Militias: The Enemy Within?

By Laura Cesaretti
Local militias may be allied with the state now, but historically they have posed dangers to the central government.

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