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Is China’s Africa Safari Faltering?
China’s willingness to invest in Africa’s has benefited the continent as well as itself. But if it doesn’t respond to growing mass political consciousness, it may all unravel.
India’s Truck, China’s Ferrari
India’s media needs to stop focusing on economic and military rivalry with China. It’s distracting and misleading.
China's Soft Power
Writer Joshua Kurlantzick discusses the benefits and limits of China’s use of soft power diplomacy.
China's Challenges: Africa
By Ian Taylor
The rise of China in Africa is arguably the most important development for the continent since the end of the Cold War, and the related dynamics have helped reinvent Africa as a priority investment destination.
Why China Wins Africa Game
By Balaji Chandramohan
There are many reasons for Chinese success in Africa. But democracy could still be a trump card for rival India.
Welcome The Dragon?
It’s hard not to be sceptical about China’s role in Africa. Especially when Zanu-PF is so happy about it.
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