Aging population

A Novel Solution to Southeast Asia’s Coming Demographic Crisis
By David Hutt
The region's governments need to start thinking more creatively about how to address their aging populations.

Asia-Pacific Takes Stock of Ambitious Development Targets
By Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana and Natalia Kanem
How well has the region responded to trends such as population aging and international migration?

Could Migrants Rescue Aging Asia?
By Anthony Fensom
Europe is accepting millions. Will Asia's shrinking powers ever follow suit?

Demographics, Technology and Defense in South Korea
By Andrew Kwon
Demographics pose a challenge to the ROK’s security. Fortunately, an answer may be at hand.

Asia’s Workers: Forget Retiring Early
As governments across the region grapple with aging populations, retirement ages are likely to be raised.

India’s Population Time Bomb
By Shreyasi Singh
High fertility rates risk turning India’s demographic dividend into a demographic disaster, reports Shreyasi Singh from New Delhi.

China’s Premature Great Power Label
China’s past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results, says former British Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind.
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