air-independent propulsion (AIP)

India’s New Attack Subs to Be Fitted With Imported Air Independent Propulsion System
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Indian Navy has reportedly abandoned plans to install an indigenous air-independent propulsion system on Project-75 I subs.

Russia’s ‘Mini Red October’ Subs Will Lack Advanced Propulsion System
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Russia’s super quiet new class of diesel-electric attack subs will lack air-independent propulsion systems.

Russia Completes Design Work for New 5th Generation Submarine
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Russia’s shipbuilding industry is pushing ahead with plans for a new super quiet diesel-electric attack sub.

Germany to Upgrade Two Indian Attack Submarines
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Germany’s ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems signed a deal with the Indian Navy on June 29.

Japan’s Deadliest Sub to Join Australia’s Navy in Military Drill
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Is Tokyo showcasing its high-tech submarine to boost its chances to win a major defense contract in Australia?

'Mini Red Octobers:'Russia to Push on With Stealth Submarine Program
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Despite some media reports to the contrary, the Russian Navy will continue building Lada-class subs.

Chinese Submarine Simulates Cruise Missile Attack on US Aircraft Carrier
By Franz-Stefan Gady
A Chinese attack sub purportedly used the USS Ronald Reagan for ‘targeting practice’ near the Sea of Japan.

Closest Encounter Since 2006: Chinese Submarine Tailed US Aircraft Carrier
By Franz-Stefan Gady
A Chinese sub stalked the USS Ronald Reagan in the Sea of Japan last month.

Japan to Offer Australia Its Top-Secret Submarine Technology
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Tokyo has disclosed additional details of its offer to replace the Royal Australian Navy's Collins-class subs.

Why China's Submarine Force Still Lags Behind
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Why the People's Liberation Army Navy's underwater fleet still lags behind those of other navies.

Will India Purchase German Stealth Submarines?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The German Defense Minister is visiting India lobbying for the purchase of German and European military hardware.

Japan Approves Disclosing Secret Sub Info to Australia
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The game is on! Japan officially announces that it will bid for a contract to build 12 submarines in Australia.
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