Air-to-air encounters

East China Sea: 2 Chinese Fighters Conduct 'Unsafe' Intercept of US EP-3 Surveillance Aircraft
By Ankit Panda
The incident is the third of its kind this year and the second to take place over the East China Sea.

2 Chinese Fighters Conduct 'Unprofessional' Intercept of US Air Force WC-135
By Ankit Panda
Two Chinese Su-30s allegedly intercepted a U.S. WC-135 Constant Phoenix over the East China Sea.

Chinese Fighter Conducts 'Unsafe' Intercept of US Spy Plane in East China Sea
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The “unsafe” intercept occurred on Tuesday in international airspace over the East China Sea.

South China Sea: 2 Chinese Fighters Conduct 'Unsafe' Intercept of US EP-3 Recon Aircraft
By Ankit Panda
The incident could have violated existing bilateral procedures between the United States and China.
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