Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.

The End of "Death to America" Chants in Iran?
Iran’s iconic “Death to America” chant appears to be falling out of favor among the country’s powerbrokers.

Japan Seeks to Mediate US-Iran Dispute…Again
Shinzo Abe sent a special envoy to Tehran last weekend, reportedly to jump-start US-Iran talks.

The "Brain Trust" Behind Iran’s New President
The Center for Strategic Research will be instrumental in helping Hassan Rouhani confront Iran’s many challenges.

Undermining Iran’s Islamic Republic From Within
Constant meddling threatens to drag the Supreme Leader into the political mud.

Iran’s Elections: The Maneouvering Begins
While Saeed Jalili appears the early frontrunner, the early chaos of Iran’s presidential elections underscores the unpredictability of the race.
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