Alfred Thayer Mahan

Debating Mahan in the 21st Century
A new edited volume of Mahan’s work will hopefully revive a discussion on the naval theorist’s continued relevance.

Strategy: The Art of Eliminating the Enemy’s Vote
Properly done, military strategy is about preventing the enemy from voting early or often.

Airsea Battle VS Offshore Control: Can the US Blockade China?
To slay or strangle the dragon, that is the question. Do Mahan or Corbett have the answer?

Alfred Thayer Mahan With Chinese Characteristics
In pledging to make China a maritime power, Xi Jinping channeled his inner-Mahanism.

Don’t Worry About China’s String of Pearls….Yet
China may have strategic designs in the Indian Ocean but bringing them to fruition will be tough.

The Real Source of American Power: Its Rivers
Control of the high seas is important; control of internal rivers is imperative.

China’s Naval Strategy: Mahanian Ends Through Maoist Means
The Naval Diplomat reviews how his 2010 book on China’s naval rise has stood the test of time.

George P. Brady: A Story of Valor
The Naval Diplomat recounts the story of a veteran and Medal of Honor recipient from the Spanish-American War.

Airsea Battle With Chinese Characteristics
Beijing’s approach to seapower is remarkably similar to the U.S. Navy in the age of Mahan and Roosevelt.

The Geopolitics of Hawaii
They aren’t just about sun, fun, and ukuleles. The islands also hold great strategic importance.
China's Great India Folly
By reopening its territorial quarrel with India, China risks having to redirect resources from sea power back to land defense.
The Importance of Clear Writing
“Victory may go to the contestant who conveys ideas more fluently, not the one with superior ideas.”