Allied reassurance

How Cobra Gold Helps the US Strengthen Its Indo-Pacific Partnerships
By Xavier Brunson and Cody Chick
Through combined exercises and enduring engagements, the United States is building "deterrence through assurance."

The Case Against Nukes in South Korea
By Bruce Klingner
Nuclear weapons aren't a solution to growing South Korean doubts about U.S. resolve and commitment.

How North Korea's ICBM and New 'Thermonuclear' Bomb Might 'Decouple' the US and Its Allies
By Ankit Panda
North Korea's objective is the end of the United States alliances in Northeast Asia. ICBMs and big nukes may get it there.

Trump's Qatar Tweets Show Why Mattis' Task in Singapore Was Impossible
By Ankit Panda
Trump's behavior on the world stage shows that even his own cabinet secretaries can't speak on his behalf.
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