Almazbek Atambayev

Defiant Atambayev Refuses Second Subpoena
By Catherine Putz
The former president, ensconced with supporters at his home in Koi-Tash, is headed for a confrontation.

Atambayev Loses Immunity, Supporters Gather to Resist
By Catherine Putz
The former president maintains that charges of corruption against him are political.

Atambayev's Days of Immunity Look Numbered
By Catherine Putz
Former President Almazbek Atambayev is likely to soon face charges of misconduct and abuse of power in earnest.

Atambayev Takes Aim at Jeenbekov in Weekend Rally
By Catherine Putz
The former Kyrgyz president accused his successor of persecuting his political opponents under the guise of anti-corruption.

Atambayev Steps Back, Kyrgyzstan Sets Process for Stripping Presidential Immunity
By Catherine Putz
New amendments set the course of revoking presidential immunity -- “serious crimes” or continued politicking.

Why Was Kyrgyz President Jeenbekov in Germany?
By Catherine Putz
Kyrgyz-Germany relations on an even keel; Kyrgyz domestic politics a brewing storm.

Former Kyrgyz President Atambayev on the Losing Side of a Defamation Suit
By Catherine Putz
Last week former Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev was on the losing side of a defamation lawsuit.

Former Kyrgyz Prime Minister Faces 20 Years on Corruption Charges
By Catherine Putz
if convicted, Sapar Isakov faces up to 20 years in prison on corruption charges levied under heavy political clouds.

Kyrgyz Politics Simmering Over Atambayev-Jeenbekov Feud
By Catherine Putz
The SDPK looks headed for a split while former President Atambayev and his successor, Jeenbekov, lob fiery rhetoric.

Another Atambayev Ally Faces Corruption Charges in Kyrgyzstan
By Catherine Putz
Ikramjan Ilmiyanov, a former adviser to previous Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev, faces corruption charges.

Kyrgyzstan Moves Toward Stripping Former Presidents of Immunity
By Catherine Putz
Only two former Kyrgyz presidents actually still enjoy immunity, but only one -- Almazbek Atambayev -- looks like a target.

In Kyrgyzstan, Babanov Cases Losing Steam
By Catherine Putz
Former presidential hopeful Omurbek Babanov was the subject of two highly political investigations. One has been suspended.