American Grand Strategy

Internet of Things: The Missing Link in an Off-Set Strategy
By Col. Robert S. Spalding III & Dr. Adam Lowther
Creating a military “Internet of things” will empower the U.S. to succeed in “informationized” warfare in Asia.

The Elements of US Maritime Strategy
By James R. Holmes
An all-encompassing U.S. maritime strategy must include all the armed forces—not just the navy, coast guard and marines.

The US Should Celebrate Its Decline
By Oliver Stuenkel
The Upside of Down argues that the U.S. is declining — and that’s a good thing, especially for Washington.

Linking U.S. Statecraft to Grand Strategy
By Julianne Smith & Jacob Stokes
U.S. statecraft must overcome six major challenges if America is to be successful abroad.

How America Must Lead
By Julianne Smith & Jacob Stokes
The pertinent question today is not whether America will lead but how it will do so.

Why America Can’t Contain China
By James R. Holmes
Despite Beijing’s concerns, the U.S. couldn’t contain China even if it wanted to.

Russia’s Ukraine Invasion: An Opportunity for America?
By John Allen Gay
If America takes a more global, strategic view, it can make lemonade out of the sour Ukrainian lemon.

From Ukraine With Love: 4 Lessons for Geopolitics
By Harry Kazianis
Here are four lessons Asia watchers should learn from the events unfolding in the Ukraine.

Does America Even Need a Strategy for Asia?
By Mira Rapp-Hooper
Defining ends and means is hard; aligning them is even more so. Still the benefits of a strategy outweigh the costs.

How Richard Nixon Would Deter China
By Zachary Keck
By using the “madman theory,” the U.S. and its allies could inject a degree of risk into China’s strategic calculus.

Yes, America Does Have a “China Strategy”
By Harry Kazianis
It's not that the U.S. lacks a China strategy, it's just that few understand or like the plan.

The US Renounces the Monroe Doctrine?
On Monday, John Kerry declared that “the era of the Monroe Doctrine is over.” Don’t believe him.
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