American Way of War
America’s Wars and the Current Accountability Crisis
By Sarah E. Kreps
U.S. leaders have studiously avoided being seen engaging in “war.” This is increasingly becoming a problem for democracy itself.
Is the US Suffering a ‘War Gap’?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Why American decision-makers continue to fail to understand the true nature of military conflict.
US Air Force: Russia Has Closed Air Power Gap With NATO
By Franz-Stefan Gady
However, even more alarming are Moscow’s growing anti-access/area denial capabilities, according to a U.S. general.
No More Easy Victories for the U.S. Military?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
America's enemies have gone to school and are developing counter-strategies to challenge its military supremacy.
Unorthodox and Chaotic: How America Should Fight Wars
“A serious problem in planning against American doctrine is that the Americans do not read their manuals.”
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