
Anti Access

North Korea: The Other Anti-Access Threat?

North Korea: The Other Anti-Access Threat?

By Van Jackson
It's time to apply anti-access thinking beyond China -- or risk losing a limited conflict to North Korea.

A New Washington Naval Conference for Asia?

A New Washington Naval Conference for Asia?

With an Asian naval buildup underway, perhaps history can offer some inspiration.

India’s Anti-Access Trump Card

India’s Anti-Access Trump Card

New Delhi’s naval capabilities may never match its ambitions, but an A2/AD strategy would enable it to exercise significant influence in maritime affairs.

The U.S. Army’s Anti-Access Strategy

The U.S. Army’s Anti-Access Strategy

The Army does have a role in the pivot. Will bureaucratic inertia get in the way?

Russia's Forthcoming "Terrorist-Killer Robots"

Russia's Forthcoming "Terrorist-Killer Robots"

The DPRK has 200 mobile missile launchers and other top defense articles for your weekend.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

The Real Anti-Access Story: Cyber

The Real Anti-Access Story: Cyber

Often overlooked, cyber is one of the most effective methods of Anti-Access/Area Denial in any arsenal.

Australia and AirSea Battle: Not Sold Yet

Australia and AirSea Battle: Not Sold Yet

The U.S. needs to do more to persuade allies that ASB is the right response to China’s military challenge.

The DF-21D or "Carrier Killer": An Instrument of Deception?

The DF-21D or "Carrier Killer": An Instrument of Deception?

Is all the hype part of an asymmetrical campaign by China to defeat its enemies without a fight?

North Korea Cramping China’s Anti-Access Style

N. Korea’s threats will have a long term impact on E. Asia’s military balance for years — maybe at China’s expense.

A U.S. Naval Blockade of China?

A U.S. Naval Blockade of China?

“There’s another emerging theme…about how a U.S.-China conflict could unfold – a naval blockade.”

Surface Combat Fleets: Obsolete?

Surface Combat Fleets: Obsolete?

With America and others developing “carrier killer” missiles, what does the future hold for surface navies in wartime?

America's Pivot, Taiwan and Anti-Access

America's Pivot, Taiwan and Anti-Access

Will the U.S. pivot to Asia help enhance or degrade Taiwan’s security? Our Naval Diplomat weighs in.

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