Anti-satellite weapons

US Space Command: Russia Tested Direct Ascent Anti-Satellite Weapon
By Ankit Panda
The test did not involve the destruction of a satellite target.

The US Congress Needs Facts, Not Hyperbole, on China’s Space Program
By Gregory Kulacki
Alarming and factually challenged assessments of China’s space program should not guide U.S. policy.

Why India’s ASAT Test Was Reckless
By Marco Langbroek
Publicly available data contradicts official Indian assertions about its first anti-satellite test.

Trump's Space Force Misses the Mark on Chinese and Russian Space Threats
By Ankit Panda
The United States should avoid launching an arms race in space.

Russia Conducts New Test of 'Nudol' Anti-Satellite System
By Ankit Panda
Russia's Nudol system has been successfully tested from a transporter-erector-launcher for the first time.
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