

Shifting Nuclear Sands in South Asia: Understanding India’s Counterforce Temptations

Shifting Nuclear Sands in South Asia: Understanding India’s Counterforce Temptations

By Ankit Panda
Political scientist Christopher Clary discusses issues pertaining to strategic stability in South Asia.

Mission Shakti and Beyond: Breaking Down India’s Anti-Satellite Test

Mission Shakti and Beyond: Breaking Down India’s Anti-Satellite Test

By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
India’s prime minister has declared the country a “space superpower.”
Exclusive: India Conducted a Failed Anti-Satellite Test in February 2019

Exclusive: India Conducted a Failed Anti-Satellite Test in February 2019

By Ankit Panda
India succeeded in destroying a satellite in low earth orbit in March, but that wasn’t its first attempted ASAT test.

US Admiral Warns of China’s and Russia’s Growing Space Weapons Arsenal

US Admiral Warns of China’s and Russia’s Growing Space Weapons Arsenal

By Franz-Stefan Gady
In a speech, the head of U.S. Strategic Command also warned of China’s long-range precision strike weapons program.

Should the US Fear China’s New Space Weapons?

Should the US Fear China’s New Space Weapons?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Beijing is working on a host of different weapon systems designed to destroy or disable U.S. satellites in space.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Star Wars: The US Gets Ready to Battle China and Russia in Space

Star Wars: The US Gets Ready to Battle China and Russia in Space

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The American military will set up a new command center to better coordinate responses to attacks in space.

Is the Pentagon Losing the Arms Race in Space?

Is the Pentagon Losing the Arms Race in Space?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Pentagon officials are deeply worried about Chinese and Russian anti-satellite weapons. Are their concerns justified?
China Conducted Anti-Satellite Missile Test

China Conducted Anti-Satellite Missile Test

By Zachary Keck
The U.S. says that China conducted an anti-satellite missile test last week, not a ballistic missile defense test.

American Space Strategy: Choose to Steer, Not Drift

American Space Strategy: Choose to Steer, Not Drift

America can advance its national interests more effectively by taking an integrated approach to its space capabilities and international cooperation.

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