
Mobile App Developers in India Are Always Fighting Losing Battles
By Ashraff Hathibelagal
Without timely access to path-breaking technologies, app developers in India can never be on an equal footing with developers in the first world.

Apple to Transfer Chinese iCloud Operation to a Chinese State-Owned Company
By Charlotte Gao
This is not Apple’s first time cooperating with the Chinese government.

Chinese President Holds Talks with US Business Tycoons Ahead of Trump’s Trip
By Charlotte Gao
A closer look at the meeting and its significance.

Why Are Chinese Netizens Excited About Russia's Ban On VPNs?
By Charlotte Gao
After Russia passed a law banning VPNs, the news splashed across the front pages of Chinese websites.

Is Apple Kowtowing to China?
By Charlotte Gao
Apple removes VPN apps from China stores and opens its first data center in China

Scandal-Hit Samsung Still Asia’s Top Brand
By Anthony Fensom
South Korea can boast Asia's most valuable brand, but Japan leads on innovation.

Apple, the FBI, and the US Soft Power Edge
By Col. Robert Spalding
If the U.S. wants to keep its soft power edge over China, Apple needs to win.

China's Quest to Oust Foreign Tech Firms
By Shannon Tiezzi
If the Chinese government has its way, foreign technology will be absent from "key sectors" in China by 2020.

China Steps Up Attacks on US Tech Firms
By Shannon Tiezzi
There are increasing signs that China will limit or ban foreign tech firms' access to Chinese markets.

Apple To Score Huge China Deal
By Shannon Tiezzi
Plus, more on the ADIZ, Biden in Asia, success in Shanghai schools and failures in HIV prevention. Weekly China links.

Apple Patents Cylindrical Glass Entryway at Shanghai Store
The Cupertino tech giant has already patented the design of their retail shops.

iTunes Radio Review: Unsocial Pandora With a Twist of Spotify
iTunes Radio will do nothing to dispel concerns that post-Steve Jobs Apple is struggling to innovate.