Arambai Tenggol

Conflict in India’s Manipur Takes a New Turn With Intra-Community Clashes
By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
In recent weeks, Meitei militias have clashed, as have Zomi and Hmar groups that came together against the Meitei majority.

Manipur in India’s Northeast Remains in the Grip of Uncertainty and Fear
By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
Rumors are circulating in Imphal that the government is considering ceasefire agreements with Indian separatist groups sheltering in Myanmar.

Abject Surrender of the State to Armed Militia in India’s Manipur
By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
Thirty-seven legislators, including India’s junior minister for external affairs, were administered an oath by the chief of the Arambai Tenggol.
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