arms control

Putin's Exotic New Missiles Didn't Come From Nowhere. What Can the US Do in Response?
By Lawrence J. Korb
The last thing the world needs is another arms race. The U.S. would do well to avoid taking Putin's bait.

Wassenaar Arrangement Admits India as Its 42nd Member
By Ankit Panda
Participation in the Arrangement will burnish India's nonproliferation credentials.

The Nuclear Test Ban: Time to Finish What We Started
By Sergei Ryabkov and Lassina Zerbo
Two decades after the CTBT's signing, now is time for the world’s leading states to come together to finish what we started

North Korea Has a New Foreign Minister
By Ankit Panda
Ri Yong-ho will replace Ri Su-yong as the reclusive state's top global diplomat.

Past as Prologue? What North Korea Teaches Us About Iran’s Nuclear Program
By A. Trevor Thrall and Gregory D. Koblentz
What does North Korea tell us about Iran's propensity to cheat on the nuclear deal and pursue a nuclear weapon?

Updating 'Trust But Verify' for 21st Century Arms Control
By Frank A. Rose
A new initiative will help us adapt an old formula for a new generation of nuclear arms control agreements.

How We Know North Korea's Latest SLBM Test Was a Likely Dud
By Ankit Panda
Analysis of North Korean video footage suggests a less-impressive submarine-launched ballistic missile test than Kim Jong-un would like.

Breaking the North Korea Arms Control Taboo
By Van Jackson
A highly-ingrained taboo risks blinding rational alliance decision-making.

With 'Adoption Day,' P5+1 and Iran Move to Make Nuclear Deal a Reality
By Ankit Panda
The Iran deal hit a major milestone on October 18, 2015 with "Adoption Day."

Why it Matters that the US and China Are Trying Cyber Arms Control
By Ankit Panda
The United States and China are trying to put together a bilateral cyber arms control agreement. This could be big.

Much Ado About Iran's Low-Enriched Uranium
By Ankit Panda
Relax, Iran's complying with the terms of the November 2013 interim deal—at least for a few more weeks.

Arms Control in Asia: Back to the Future?
By Christine M. Leah
Even with nuclear and conventional arms agreements, the tasks of strategy do not go away.