Art and Society
Girls in School Shot (on film)
Upon seeing a photo from an essay titled ’14 Stunning Photos of Afghanistan’ earlier this week, I was reminded of how so many great, hard-to-find photos from around the world are actually shot by the US Army. It turns out (according to some on-line s
Uncorking the Arts
I’ve always thought of wine-making as an art form — in the same category as fine cheese and fine chocolate
production — though
at the same time I try not to forget I’m fortunate to even be able to have an
opinion on this.
The Mickey Curse
As planning for a Shanghai Disneyland surges forward, boosted by the recent go-ahead of China’s economic
planning agency, an interesting news story I came across today sheds
some light on local perspectives. A televised
protest by Sha
Pakistan Talent: More than meets the headlines
Right now, ‘Pakistan’ is flooding my news feeds and making headlines across the internet, though in doing so it is sadly reinforcing the tendency these days to associate the country with unrest and violence. Today it is a bombing at a spy agency that
Bets Back on HK
This week I mentioned the (supposed) Singapore vs. Hong Kong art war, with the two metropolises said to be vying for top city status through the development of world-class arts and culture scenes. Well, judging from a wine industry update I rec
Asia Art War?
I was passed this by our editor who assured me the headline wasn’t unnecessarily sensationalist, but actually a good read for anyone interested in the Asian art world. ’Art Wars: Hong Kong vs. Singapore’ in The Wall Street Journal says categoric

Souvenir Ethics Pt. 2: Vietnam, Camouflage, Andy Warhol
As mentioned in an earlier post, landmine warnings as t-shirt graphics and child labor-produced Burmese jade goods raise some serious questions about the ethics of ‘souvenir-ing’ in Asia.