

Is North Korea Working Toward a 'Carrier-Killer' Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile?

Is North Korea Working Toward a 'Carrier-Killer' Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile?

By Ankit Panda
Say hello to the KN-17.
Iran's "Carrier Killer" Missile Improves Accuracy

Iran's "Carrier Killer" Missile Improves Accuracy

An IRGC official says Iran’s Khalij-e Fars anti-ship ballistic missile’s precision is now 8.5 meters, up from 30 meters.

Why China May Limit “Carrier-Killer’s” Range

Why China May Limit “Carrier-Killer’s” Range

Even if China’s technically capable of expanding the DF-21D ABSM’s range, its foreign policy goals might dictate restraint.

Is China’s “Carrier Killer” Already Operational?

Is China’s “Carrier Killer” Already Operational?

Plus, is the USAF inflating the DPRK & China missiles threats to fund its own nuclear modernization?

Aircraft Carriers: R.I.P?

Aircraft Carriers: R.I.P?

The Diplomat’s Robert Farley brings us the latest on this popular debate.

Missile Defense's Real Enemy: Math

Missile Defense's Real Enemy: Math

Both sides of the missile defense debate have some powerful arguments. Yet, one basic idea may hold sway.

Did China Test its "Carrier-Killer?"

Did China Test its "Carrier-Killer?"

Unconfirmed reports suggest China may have recently tested its DF-21D ASBM, with DOD making an interesting declaration.

An Overhyped Threat: Ballistic Missiles

An Overhyped Threat: Ballistic Missiles

Even as N. Korea and others develop such weapons, history shows ballistic missiles have their shortcomings.

China's "Carrier Killer": The DF-21D

China's "Carrier Killer": The DF-21D

Much has been made of the missile dubbed “the carrier killer.” Can it be countered?

Arming for the Navy's Return to History

Arming for the Navy's Return to History

While people fight wars, they need cutting-edge weapons to prevail. Missiles seem like a good choice.

The Other China Missile Threat

The Other China Missile Threat

Most talk of China’s missiles focuses on the DF-21D. But the DH-10 cruise missile offers China another option.

ASBM Defense Isn’t Easy

Why defending against China’s much talked about DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missile is no easy task.

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