
Following North Korean SLBM Test, Japan Conducts Missile Interceptor Drill in Tokyo
By Ankit Panda
The test was the first of its kind in six years.

Fake Flags: At-Sea Sanctions Enforcement and Ship Identity Falsification
By Olivia Vassalotti and Cameron Trainer
Fraudulent ship registration makes the already challenge task of sanctions enforcement more difficult.

Japanese Defense Ministry: 'Unusual' Chinese Military Air Activities Increase Near Japan's Airspace
By Ankit Panda
Total Air Self-Defense Force scrambles dropped slightly from 2016, but Japan remains concerned.

US, Japan, South Korea Stage Show-of-Force Following North Korean Missile Overflight of Japan
By Ankit Panda
The mission was described by U.S. Pacific Command as a "sequenced bilateral show of force."
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