Asia climate change policies

Climate Concerns: Pakistan’s Environmental Challenges and Policy Shortcomings
By Abdul Waheed Bhutto
Pakistan’s climate change policy must broaden its scope to address additional factors contributing to climate change, such as deforestation, unsustainable agricultural practices, urbanization, and industrial emissions.

Asia and the Pacific Can Lead the Way in Climate Ambition
By Dechen Tsering and Christophe Bahuet
Five years ago, Asia-Pacific countries were crucial to the passage of the Paris Agreement. They will also be key to fulfilling its aims.

Time to Link Northeast Asia's Carbon Markets
By Jackson Ewing
The time is now for carbon market cooperation among China, Japan, and South Korea.

Why US Leadership on Climate Change Still Matters
By Anthony Kleven
For all the criticism leveled against Washington, its role is indispensable - at least for now.

Asia’s Massive ‘Climate-Smart’ Dividend
By Anthony Fensom
A new report sets out the benefits of ‘climate smart’ policies for Asian economies.
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