Asia economic integration

Despite COVID-19 Crunch, China-Mekong Integration Continues
By Sebastian Strangio
Beijing continues to focus on deepening its physical integration with the Southeast Asian nations to its south.

What RCEP Means for the Indo-Pacific
By Blake Berger
The final conclusion of negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership was a landmark achievement for ASEAN.

RCEP’s Economic Impact in Asia
By Xianbai Ji
RCEP, along with the CPTPP, will help drive deep integration in Asia. Holdouts like India will suffer the most.

Political Risk in Asia: Context and Catalysts
By Mercy A. Kuo
Insights from Daniel Wagner.

As the World Turns Away From Globalization, How Should ASEAN Respond?
By Lili Yan Ing
How to best move forward with ASEAN's trade integration agenda.

RCEP Is Not the Anti-TPP
By Lurong Chen
RCEP is a necessary step for Asian regional integration, regardless of what happens with TPP.

Beware the Myth of Warring US-China Trade Pacts
By Prashanth Parameswaran
We need to be clear-eyed about where there is competition and where there is not.

Asia’s Murky Roadmap for Growth
By Shihoko Goto
With the future of the TPP uncertain, Asian countries have other options to consider.

ASEAN a New Opportunity for the Eurasian Economic Union
By Ling Han
A free trade pact between the EEU and Vietnam could be just the beginning of a productive economic relationship.
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