Asia energy transition

Vince Beiser on the Race for the Resources That Will Shape the Future
By Catherine Putz
“The energy transition from fossil fuels to renewables is a crucial part of the cure for climate change. But it’s a cure with brutal side effects.”

United Front, Clean Future: South Asia’s Path to Sustainable Energy
By Abdul Waheed Bhutto
A move toward unified energy and environmental systems will not only tackle air pollution directly but also stimulate economic growth and promote regional integration.

Central Asia’s Rare Earths May Fuel Energy Transition
By Wilder Alejandro Sánchez
If rare earth elements are the crude oil of the 21st century, then Central Asia and Mongolia may be the Saudi Arabias of these strategic minerals.

Bifurcation in the Critical Minerals Market Could Throw off the Global Energy Transition
By Xunpeng Shi and Yifan Shen
The securitization of critical minerals could divide the world, leading to severe consequences for the energy transition and undermining global climate change efforts.

The Green Great Game Is This Century’s Space Race
By Chietigj Bajpaee
The rivalry for access to raw materials to facilitate the energy transition will turn the “Green Great Game” into one of the defining geopolitical features of the 21st century.

Can India’s G20 Presidency Facilitate Global Energy Transition?
By Manish Vaid
India is increasingly serving as a model for countries worldwide by demonstrating how economic development and environmental conservation can be complementary.

How Asia Can Achieve a Just Energy Transition in a Post-COVID World
By Nithi Nesadurai and Hang Dao
A just transition to renewable energy is not just good for the environment, it’s great for the economy, too.
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