Asia labor rights

Speeding Up the Economy: The Role of Methamphetamines in the Southeast Asian Boom
By Daniel Zak and Vutha Srey
Faced with ruthless economic demands, increasing numbers of workers are turning to a cheap, addictive drug that enables them to "work without stopping.”

Labor Rights Violations Persist in Uzbekistan
By Lynn Schweisfurth
Cotton producer Indorama Agro silences workers speaking out against rights violations while development banks fail to ensure compliance.

Fighting Back: Trade Unions in Thailand and Myanmar
By Luke Hunt
A conversation with Dave Welsh from the Solidarity Center.

Solidarity in Cambodia
By Luke Hunt
A conversation with the trade unionist Wim Conklin.

Pandemics, Politics, and Principles: Business and Human Rights in Southeast Asia in a Time of Crisis
By Andrew Rosser, Kate Macdonald and Ken Setiawan
Despite obstacles, the business and human rights agenda has gained some traction in the region.

Ensuring Equality in the Asian Century
By Rajendra Kumar Acharya
Unions will play a key role in ensuring workers aren't left behind as Asian growth surges forward.
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