
Asia plastics

Busan Was a Major Political Win on Plastic Pollution, Even If Not a Procedural One 

Busan Was a Major Political Win on Plastic Pollution, Even If Not a Procedural One 

By Arpita Bhagat
The political dynamics, narratives, and numbers are conditioned in favor of a strong agreement now.
To Solve the Plastic Crisis, We Must Phase out Production

To Solve the Plastic Crisis, We Must Phase out Production

By Xuan Quach
Promoting recycling without a systems change that unlocks drastic reduction of plastics is merely greenwashing.

Embracing Reuse Solutions: A Path Forward for Asia in the Global Plastic Treaty

Embracing Reuse Solutions: A Path Forward for Asia in the Global Plastic Treaty

By Rahyang Nusantara
Pioneering efforts in Asian countries seek to phase out single-use plastics for reusable alternatives.

Global Plastics Treaty Will Test Japan’s Clean Image 

Global Plastics Treaty Will Test Japan’s Clean Image 

By Hirotaka Koike
As one of the negotiators representing the Asia-Pacific, Japan's reluctance to embrace agreed global rules capping plastics use is concerning.

Cups, Straws, Spoons: India Starts on Single-use Plastic Ban

Cups, Straws, Spoons: India Starts on Single-use Plastic Ban

By Aniruddha Ghosal
As a first step, India has identified 19 plastic items that aren't very useful but have a high potential to become litter, including plastic cups, straws, and ice cream sticks.
Why Asia Needs to Move Beyond Plastic Bag Bans

Why Asia Needs to Move Beyond Plastic Bag Bans

By Kris Hartley
Seriously addressing the region’s plastic apocalypse will require moving beyond blunt moves such as plastic bag bans.

Confronting Southeast Asia’s Plastics Problem

Confronting Southeast Asia’s Plastics Problem

By Mercy Barends
Women play a unique role in plastic management and face different, sometimes greater, risks. No solution is complete without their contribution.
Indonesia to Return Toxic Developed World Waste

Indonesia to Return Toxic Developed World Waste

By Associated Press
The move adds to growing backlash in Southeast Asia against being a dumping ground for rubbish from industrialized countries.

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