Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

Are Chinese Loans To Africa Good or Bad? That’s The Wrong Question.
By Hannah Wanjie Ryder
The right question is what African leaders will do to demand what Africans need.

Chinese Foreign Aid in East Asia During the Trump Era
By Li Jie Sheng
Can China finally surpass the United States as the top aid donor in East Asia?

Australia's Misplaced Fear Over China's Belt and Road
By James Laurenceson, Simone van Nieuwenhuizen, and Elena Collinson
Australia has been dragging its feet on the Belt and Road for four reasons. Each is worth a closer look.

Jomo Kwame Sundaram on the Belt and Road Vs. the Washington Consensus
By Lu Chen
A former high-ranking UN official discusses Asia’s politico-economic landscape.

A New G2: China and the EU?
By Andrei Lungu
In light of Washington's wavering, Brussels and Beijing have an opportunity.

Is the AIIB Really 'Lean, Clean, and Green'?
By Lowell Chow
AIIB’s “lean, clean, and green” pledge delivers a catchy slogan, but here is why some are unconvinced.

China's AIIB Is About to Face 2 Major Tests
By Kate Geary
The bank’s directors will vote on a new energy sector strategy and a risky financing model.

20 Years After the Asian Financial Crisis, How Has Financial Cooperation Evolved?
By Stefan Angrick and Shinichi Nakabayashi
Where regional efforts stand 20 years after the financial crisis.

AIIB Makes Its First Loan to India, the Bank's Second-Largest Shareholder
By Ankit Panda
The AIIB has approved its first-ever project in India.

The Asian Development Bank Adjusts to the Age of AIIB and Trump
By Mina Pollmann
First, China's challenger bank arose. Now, Japan has to deal with lack of U.S. interest in the ADB.

AIIB Official: Regional Integration Creates Much Richer ASEAN
By Maurits Elen
An interview with Joachim von Amsberg, vice president at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

China-led AIIB Sees Membership Expansion: What's Next?
By Ankit Panda
13 new countries were approved as members of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank earlier this month.