
Israel’s Target in Syria Was Hezbollah, Not Assad
Reports indicate that strikes targeted short-range missiles that were awaiting transfer to Hezbollah.

America's Deterrence Problem
“If Tehran doubts either American capability or American fortitude, Washington will be unable to forestall a nuclear breakout.”

Russia's Syrian Naval Base
Russia’s naval base at Tartus provides multiple benefits Moscow may not so easily give up.

Lightly Arming Syrian Opposition is U.S.’ Best Option
Providing light anti-tank weaponry and non-lethal support for the opposition could help end the violence in Syria.

Managing the Endgame in Syria
Despite Russian and Chinese diplomatic maneuvers and a lack of Western intervention, the likely collapse of the Assad regime may be a regional game changer.

Fear of Iran and Syrian Bloodletting
Meir Javedanfar looks at how Western sanctions on Iran are enabling violence in Syria to continue.
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