Astana EXPO 2017

Over 3 Decades Into Independence, Property Protections in Kazakhstan Remain Weak
By Rustem Amangeldi
State-owned and private construction companies make plenty of money in the process of completing housing developments. It’s the buyers who lose out.

The Real Future of Green Energy in Kazakhstan
By Andres Fernandez
Given the dominance of conventional energy resources, are Astana’s green energy reforms merely publicity stunts?

EXPO Astana: Behind the Glitz
By Paolo Sorbello
An expensive billboard for Kazakhstan's slow transition to clean energy.

EXPO 2017 in Astana Will Contribute to Global Sustainable Development
By Kairat Abdrakhmanov
"Staging such an important exhibition in Kazakhstan will accelerate our transition to a modern and sustainable economy."

Center of the World: This Week in Astana, Kazakhstan
By Dr. Joshua W. Walker
The SCO summit, the opening of EXPO 2017 and Syrian peace talks are bringing the world to Kazakhstan.

Why Changing Energy Markets Add Relevance to EXPO 2017 Astana
By Rapil Zhoshybayev
The event has chosen a surprising theme.

Kazakhstan Extends Visa-Free Program
By Samantha Brletich
The extension of Kazakhstan’s visa-free travel means more money and better foreign policy.

EXPO in Kazakhstan: Nepotism and Corruption Revealed
By Paolo Sorbello
Exits by senior officials uncover problems in the event organizer.

EXPO in Kazakhstan Becomes Corruption Show
By Paolo Sorbello
An event meant to showcase Kazakhstan’s progress shows its dark side.
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