Aung San Suu Kyi

Full Steam Ahead: The Burma Boom
With Burma opening to the outside world, the opportunities for investors and its people are vast. The challenges may be equally daunting.

A Rough Road for Reform in Burma
Recent events show that even though reforms in Burma have been widely hailed as positive, the future is unclear.

An Extraordinary Moment: Obama Makes History in Burma
The Diplomat’s Steve Finch reports from Burma on President Barack Obama’s historic visit. Will reforms press forward?

Thein Sein: Nobel Laureate?
Burma’s President is rumored to be a contender for the Nobel Peace Prize. If history is a guide, its not as crazy as it may sound.

New Opportunities for the Women of Burma
Female empowerment must be a top priority as Burma moves towards true democracy.

Burma’s Drug Problem Gets Worse as Its Politics Get Better
As Burma undergoes a historic transformation, a new problem with vast consequences arises.

Suu Kyi’s U.S. Visit: Overshadowing the Real Powers in Burma
Burma’s neighbors and present leadership will have a strong say concerning its future course.

Burma's Reforms: Window Dressing or Reality?
While reforms are moving forward with political prisoners being released, much progress needs to be made.

Land Reform Key to Burma's Future
The much heralded progress on political and social rights could all be in vain if amendments are not made to the country’s property laws.

Thein's One Term Pledge
Thein Sein restates an important pledge that could shape Burma’s future.

Suu Kyi & the Contradictions of State
As her recent tour of Europe makes clear, Aung San Suu Kyi remains popular. But two of Burma’s ethnic minority groups are wondering if her caution amounts to betrayal.

Burmese Reality Check
The state of emergency in Rakhine State is a reminder of how far Burma still needs to go with its reforms.