
Aung San Suu Kyi

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Burma to Allow Poll Monitors

Burma to Allow Poll Monitors

Burma’s leader announces that foreign monitors will be allowed in for by-elections scheduled for next month.

Can Burma Keep Pace With Itself?

Can Burma Keep Pace With Itself?

The signs of reform in Burma are clear. But is the country changing too quickly – and will it be exploited by outsiders?

Shwedagon Festival Back On

The government’s decision to allow festivities at the Shwedagon Pagoda is a further sign of progress in Burma.

U.S. Eases Burma Sanctions

U.S. Eases Burma Sanctions

The United States has begin easing sanctions on Burma. Will Thein Sein respond with more reforms?

Burma – Last Business Frontier?

Burma – Last Business Frontier?

As Burma continues its reforms, expect international business to eye its raw material and cheap labor potential.

Burma – Last Business Frontier?

Burma – Last Business Frontier?

As Burma continues its reforms, expect international business to eye its raw material and cheap labor potential.

Economy Key to Burma’s Democracy

Economy Key to Burma’s Democracy

By Sebastian Strangio
Signs that Burma’s economy is opening aren’t just good news for Western firms hoping to make some money – democracy in the country could depend on it.
Suu Kyi in Election Mode

Suu Kyi in Election Mode

Not long ago, it would have been unthinkable to see Aung San Suu Kyi openly campaigning. How deep is the change?

Why Burma Needs Transparency

Why Burma Needs Transparency

If Burma’s economy is grow it will need the government to do more to ensure transparency and accountability.

Burma’s Business Revolution

Burma won’t be making iPads anytime soon. But the country’s size and location mean that international businesses are still circling in hopes the current reforms stick.

Time for Burma Exiles to Go Home?

Time for Burma Exiles to Go Home?

With signs that Burma’s government may be genuinely reforming, long-exiled media organizations are starting to believe the time is right to head home.

U.S. Restores Burma Ties

U.S. Restores Burma Ties

The U.S. announces plans to restore diplomatic ties with Burma. But more steps are needed to lift sanctions.

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