Australia immigration policy

What Can Be Done About Australia’s Declining Birthrate?
By Grant Wyeth
The country needs to think more creatively about how to secure its economic future.

Myanmar Asylum Seeker Crisis Needs a Humane and Regional Solution
By Perry Q. Wood
A more coordinated response would open more formal channels for asylum seekers to seek refuge in other countries.

Australia’s Opportunity to Deepen Ties With Bangladesh
By Grant Wyeth
For Australia, building a fruitful and productive relationship with Bangladesh means taking the Rohingya refugee crisis seriously.

Australia’s New Migration Strategy
By Grant Wyeth
Australia aims to shift the overall character of its migration system away from temporary migration and toward permanent residence and citizenship.

‘Skill up or Sink’: A New Approach to Migration in Australia
By Grant Wyeth
Migration is a nation-building project, and Canberra’s review of its migration system reveals the need for new approaches.

Australia’s Population Dilemma
By Grant Wyeth
How Australia approaches migration is one of the central pillars of its overall national strategy.

Moral Authority: Australia at a Crossroads
By Grant Wyeth
Entrenched interests and orthodoxies will inhibit the new Australian government’s ability to significantly enhance the country’s moral authority.

Why Australia Needs Immigration Reform
By Grant Wyeth
Immigration is one of the primary tools Australia has at its disposal to become a more secure, more prosperous, and more influential country.

Fixing Australia’s Labor Shortage
By Grant Wyeth
Enhancing the skills and opportunities for each individual person in Australia – as well as those who wish to make Australia their home – is the bedrock on which Australia’s security is built.

Australia’s Working Holiday Visa Can Help Solve Its Population Problem
By Grant Wyeth
The question that should be at the forefront of the government’s mind is this: How to make it easier for these people to transition to longer term visas, permanent residency, and citizenship?

Djokovic Saga Shines Ugly Spotlight on Australia’s Detention Program
By Dechlan Brennan
The recent frenzy over tennis player Novak Djokovic has helped highlight the cruel detention conditions of refugees in Australia.

How Can Australia Rethink Its Immigration Policies?
By Grant Wyeth
As it approaches a post-pandemic recovery, Canberra has an opportunity to strategically recalibrate its immigration policies.
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