
Australia-Indonesia relations

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Australia Needs Soft Power as Asia’s Strategic Balances Shift

Australia Needs Soft Power as Asia’s Strategic Balances Shift

By Benjamin T. Jones
It is time Canberra took soft power seriously.
Jokowi’s Battle for Survival

Jokowi’s Battle for Survival

By Anthony Fensom
The former managing editor of the Jakarta Post on the performance and prospects of Indonesia’s president.

Australia, Indonesia Launch Naval Exercise

Australia, Indonesia Launch Naval Exercise

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Exercise New Horizon, focusing on maritime security, kicks off.

Australia Urges US to Caution Indonesia During Jokowi Visit

Australia Urges US to Caution Indonesia During Jokowi Visit

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Foreign minister says visit an opportunity for Washington to address Jokowi’s foreign policy directly with him.

Australia and Indonesia: Business as Usual?

Australia and Indonesia: Business as Usual?

By Helen Clark
The freeze that followed the Bali 9 executions appears to be thawing.
Time to Rethink the Australia-Indonesia Relationship

Time to Rethink the Australia-Indonesia Relationship

By Allan Behm
Canberra can do more to inject a measure of purpose and connection into bilateral ties.

Australia: Indonesian People Traffickers Paid Off?

Australia: Indonesian People Traffickers Paid Off?

By Greg Austin
Are Australian officials at risk of prosecution?
Crocodile Tears for the Rohingya

Crocodile Tears for the Rohingya

By Luke Hunt
Political realities within the region worsen the plight of an oppressed minority.

Australia-Indonesia Relations After the Executions

Australia-Indonesia Relations After the Executions

By Jarrad Harvey
Public outrage at the execution of the Bali Nine ringleaders runs into political, diplomatic and economic reality.

Australia Shouldn't Give Up on Indonesia

Australia Shouldn't Give Up on Indonesia

By Vannessa Hearman
After the executions of two Australian citizens, Australia must not turn away from Indonesia. More can be done.

Indonesia Threatens Australia With ‘Human Tsunami’

Indonesia Threatens Australia With ‘Human Tsunami’

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Minister warns of unorthodox response if Canberra’s protests over executions continue.
Australians Attempt Bali Boycott

Australians Attempt Bali Boycott

By Helen Clark
With two Australians facing execution in Indonesia, a call has been made to boycott a popular tourist destination.

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