Australia politics

Why Is Australia Banning Social Media for Youth Under 16?
By Grant Wyeth
Canberra is sounding the alarm: Social media usage has been linked to a host of horrible outcomes for youth and something needs to be done.

Fear and Loathing Rule Australia’s ‘Angry’ Media Landscape
By Victoria Fielding
As we muddle through the complexities of the 21st century, progress appears to be stifled by a media keen on angering its audience, rather than informing them.

Australia Day: A National Impasse
By Grant Wyeth
Maybe Australia should stop trying to find symbolic worth in the past and instead focus on what kind of country it wants to be in the future.

What Voice Will We Give to Australia’s Future?
By Lisa Jackson-Pulver
The wellbeing of our nation should be at the forefront of our minds right now – and we need to get the history right.

Australian Politics Set for Shakeup After Labor’s 2023 Slide
By Zareh Ghazarian
In less than two years, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has gone from clear choice to fighting for majority support in the polls. What happened?

Agony for Australia’s Palestinian Community as War Rages on in Gaza
By Dechlan Brennan
“So, there's the pain of the suffering in Palestine – our homeland – but then there's the feeling of abandonment. It’s an otherness. It’s like we don’t belong in Australia, we don't belong on Earth almost.”

Australia Says ‘No’ to Indigenous Voice
By Patricia O’Brien
The Indigenous Voice to Parliament has been strangled by hands seeking short-term political gains.

Aboriginal Elder Urges Australians to Vote Yes and Without Guilt
By Luke Hunt
A conversation with Jill Gallagher.

Why the Indigenous ‘Voice’ Has Proved a Tough Sell in Australia
By Grant Wyeth
The last federal election was a vote against instability, not for any great positive vision. The public resistance to the proposed Voice to Parliament reflects that dynamic.

Robodebt and the Demonization of Welfare in Australia
By Dechlan Brennan
The scheme, engineered to claw back funds supposedly overpaid to welfare recipients, was broken and cruel from the start. Despite a royal commission’s findings, its political backers are unlikely to face punishment.

Australia’s Undeclared National Crisis: A Dire Lack of Affordable Housing
By Grant Wyeth
For Australia to be a country that truly values its security, it needs to offer its young, and not-so young, adults the conditions for them to thrive.

The Importance of Augmenting AUKUS
By Melissa Conley Tyler and Grant Wyeth
Australia needs all the tools of statecraft it can muster, especially diplomacy.
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