
Australia South China Sea policy

Australia Announces $1.3 Billion Fund to Boost Investment in Southeast Asia

Australia Announces $1.3 Billion Fund to Boost Investment in Southeast Asia

By Sebastian Strangio
The economic focus of this week's ASEAN-Australia summit has been shadowed by the continuing tensions in the South China Sea.

Australia's 60-Year-Old South China Sea Prophecy Comes True

Australia's 60-Year-Old South China Sea Prophecy Comes True

By Elliot Brennan
Archival documents show that Australia’s position on the South China Sea disputes has been consistent since the 1950s.
Why Trump Has Rattled the Land Down Under

Why Trump Has Rattled the Land Down Under

By Claude Rakisits
The election of Donald Trump gives ammunition to those in Australia who question the U.S. alliance.

China and Australia: Claws Out for a Paper Cat

China and Australia: Claws Out for a Paper Cat

By Helen Clark
China has harsh words for Canberra’s response to the recent South China Sea ruling.

Malcolm Turnbull’s Visit to China

Malcolm Turnbull’s Visit to China

By Helen Clark
The Australian PM sought to balance trade with South China Sea, investment and cybersecurity concerns.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Australia and China: All About 'Optimism' for PM Turnbull

Australia and China: All About 'Optimism' for PM Turnbull

By Shannon Tiezzi
On his first official visit to China, Australia's prime minister downplayed recent tensions in the relationship.

Is Australia the Key to US Containment of China?

Is Australia the Key to US Containment of China?

By Robert O. Freedman
Domestic factors may lead Australia to take a more active role in challenging Chinese assertiveness.
Australia's Foreign Minister Gets Chilly Welcome in China

Australia's Foreign Minister Gets Chilly Welcome in China

By Shannon Tiezzi
Julie Bishop is challenged on defense ties with Japan and the South China Sea during her visit to Beijing.

'Nearly All' Australian Patrols in South China Sea Are Challenged by China

'Nearly All' Australian Patrols in South China Sea Are Challenged by China

By Shannon Tiezzi
Australia's air force chief said more and more Australian patrol flights were being warned away by China.

Did Australia Secretly Conduct Its Own Freedom of Navigation Operation in the South China Sea?

Did Australia Secretly Conduct Its Own Freedom of Navigation Operation in the South China Sea?

By Shannon Tiezzi
An accidental scoop by a BBC reporter suggests so.

The Myth of a ‘Strategic Imbalance’ in the South China Sea

The Myth of a ‘Strategic Imbalance’ in the South China Sea

By Greg Austin
As Australia focuses on China's perceived advantages in the SCS, it's worth taking a closer look at that narrative.
Australia’s New Defense Minister

Australia’s New Defense Minister

By Helen Clark
Australia has a new PM, new defense minister, new White Paper... what about the South China Sea?

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