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Australia’s Bid to Navigate Troubled Waters in Red Sea

Australia’s Bid to Navigate Troubled Waters in Red Sea

By Ferry Jie
Attacks from Houthi rebels in the Red Sea have jeopardized Australia's already-vulnerable dependency on maritime time. Finding new ways forward will be vital.
Fear and Loathing Rule Australia’s ‘Angry’ Media Landscape

Fear and Loathing Rule Australia’s ‘Angry’ Media Landscape

By Victoria Fielding
As we muddle through the complexities of the 21st century, progress appears to be stifled by a media keen on angering its audience, rather than informing them.

Australia-Philippines Strategic Partnership in the Spotlight as Marcos Addresses Australian Parliament

Australia-Philippines Strategic Partnership in the Spotlight as Marcos Addresses Australian Parliament

By Grant Wyeth
Central to Marcos’ speech – and to growing Australia-Philippines ties – are concerns about China’s behavior in the South China Sea. 

It’s Time for Australia to Take a ‘Whole-of-Nation’ Approach to Foreign Policy

It’s Time for Australia to Take a ‘Whole-of-Nation’ Approach to Foreign Policy

By Grant Wyeth
“Whole-of-nation” language carries a sense of urgency that the country’s economy, society, and public institutions must become more alert to their role in the international sphere.

Finding Australia in K-Pop

Finding Australia in K-Pop

By Grant Wyeth
Soft power circulates, with South Korea’s K-Pop influencing Australia at the same time Australia's self-image as an Asian country continues to evolve.
Australia Has No Plan for Climate Change Adaptation. Why?

Australia Has No Plan for Climate Change Adaptation. Why?

By Johanna Nalau
Reducing emissions is only part of the story. Australia must also plan for adapting to the impacts of climate change.

Australia Day: A National Impasse

Australia Day: A National Impasse

By Grant Wyeth
Maybe Australia should stop trying to find symbolic worth in the past and instead focus on what kind of country it wants to be in the future.
What Voice Will We Give to Australia’s Future?

What Voice Will We Give to Australia’s Future?

By Lisa Jackson-Pulver
The wellbeing of our nation should be at the forefront of our minds right now – and we need to get the history right.

Watching Taiwan’s Election Through Australia’s Eyes

Watching Taiwan’s Election Through Australia’s Eyes

By Grant Wyeth
What is most important to Australia is that the status quo is maintained across the Taiwan Strait.

Australia’s Start to 2024 Sets the Stage for a Challenging Year

Australia’s Start to 2024 Sets the Stage for a Challenging Year

By Patricia O’Brien
At 2023 came to a close, Australia found itself facing a bevy of difficult issues both at home and abroad.

What Risks Upsetting the Australia-China Detente in 2024?

What Risks Upsetting the Australia-China Detente in 2024?

By Corey Lee Bell
Three possible plot twists, in particular, threaten to profoundly set back the newly recovered relationship.
Why Australia Isn’t Sending a Ship to the Red Sea

Why Australia Isn’t Sending a Ship to the Red Sea

By Grant Wyeth
In rejecting a request to send a vessel to join Operation Prosperity Guardian, a U.S.-led military operation, Canberra has made a calculation that its focus needs to be closer to home.

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