Indian Foreign Minister Visits Australia Amid Deepening Relations
By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
There is a lot riding on the relationship for both New Delhi and Canberra given that both have a inherent interest in balancing China and ensuring a stable Indo-Pacific strategic order.
Bail Law Reform Urgently Needed in Victoria to Stem Deaths in Custody
By Dechlan Brennan
Veronica Nelson, who died in police custody in 2020 after being denied bail, was subject to “cruel and degrading treatment,” a coroner's report concluded.
Australia Day, Invasion Day: Evolving the Idea of Australia
By Grant Wyeth
There is no way to undo past wrongs, but there is an opportunity to evolve the idea of Australia. To the country’s credit, Australia Day has become a day of national self-scrutiny.
The Fight to Raise Australia’s Age of Criminal Responsibility
By Dechlan Brennan
At 12, an Australian child “cannot lawfully sign onto Facebook but can be questioned, arrested, detained, and imprisoned.”
Australia’s Population Dilemma
By Grant Wyeth
How Australia approaches migration is one of the central pillars of its overall national strategy.
Australia: The Complacent Country?
By Grant Wyeth
The country’s unique resource curse and self-image as a "lifestyle superpower” make it difficult for Canberra to change trajectories, to embrace new ideas.
Moral Authority: Australia at a Crossroads
By Grant Wyeth
Entrenched interests and orthodoxies will inhibit the new Australian government’s ability to significantly enhance the country’s moral authority.
What Australia’s New Law Means for Hague Convention Parental Child Abduction Cases
By Grant Wyeth
Australia has an opportunity to establish itself as a global champion and a safe haven for children and women who have been victims of abuse.
Liberal Party Losses Grow With Victoria Elections
By Grant Wyeth
The result confirmed that the Labor Party’s chief rival, the Liberal Party, is now deeply unpopular in the state.
2 State Governments in Australia Block UN Visits to Prisons
By Dechlan Brennan
The gap between how human rights groups view incarcerated people, and how governments in Australia view them, continues to be wide.
The Case for Pursing Trilingualism in Australia
By Grant Wyeth
It may be a massive leap for Australia to jump beyond its current linguistic lassitude, but the increasingly difficult strategic terrain requires Canberra to think big and be bold.
Cricket Brings out Melbourne’s Vibrant South Asian Community
By Grant Wyeth
Over 90,000 people packed into the Melbourne Cricket Ground to watch a cricket game between India and Pakistan.