Australian Army

What Does Australia's Defense White Paper Actually Say?
By Benjamin David Baker
When reading Australia's latest defense white paper, it's prudent to take stock of the greater picture.

Will Germany Supply 450 Armored Troop Carriers to Australia?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
A German defense contractor will offer the Puma armored infantry fighting vehicle to the Australian Army.

Australia’s Direction on Defense
By Claire Corbett
Military and political leaders discuss the direction for the ADF at a recent conference.

Australia on the Cyber Offensive
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Australia has been using hacker units to go on the offensive. But is its cyber policy up to snuff?

Australia's Ambivalence Toward Muslims
By Greg Austin
Where does the Muslim community fit in Australia's self-images of war and peace?

Australia's Army and a Balanced Defense
By Justin Goldman
The current Army chief will leave the service better prepared for future challenges.
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