
Australian military

Australia’s Enemies: Looking Where the Light Shines Brightest

Australia’s Enemies: Looking Where the Light Shines Brightest

By Greg Austin
Terrorists, China’s military and Muslim boat people are not the main security threats to the country’s well-being.
Fighting People Smugglers: Lessons From Australia for Europe

Fighting People Smugglers: Lessons From Australia for Europe

By Greg Austin
European covert action forces may be needed in the Mediterranean Sea.

Interservice Harmony and Australia’s Near Abroad

Interservice Harmony and Australia’s Near Abroad

Canberra’s middle status simplifies life for Australia’s military in many ways. The US should take note.

Australia's Submarine Folly

Australia's Submarine Folly

Australia’s Defense White Paper 2013 seems to kill the idea of acquiring nuclear subs. That could be a mistake.

Anzac Day Underscores Changes Down Under

Anzac Day Underscores Changes Down Under

Demographic change and disillusionment with the Afghan War offer a new perspective on Anzac Day.

Australia's Security Challenge

Australia's Security Challenge

A recent report only underscores why Australia has long been a tough place to understand when it comes to security.

Australia's Nuclear Sub Option

Australia's Nuclear Sub Option

Australia is planning to build a new generation of submarines. The best option: lease America’s prized nuclear submarines.

Military Exercises: Policy by Other Means

Military Exercises: Policy by Other Means

Indonesia’s presence at a recent aerial war game is a welcome change. Still, Australia must do more to be inclusive.

Australia’s Japanese Sub Play

Australia’s Japanese Sub Play

Australia has begun discussions concerning a new submarine class. Could a Japanese solution be the answer? Harry Kazianis explains.

How Australia Sees America (Pt II)

How Australia Sees America (Pt II)

Washington Correspondent Eddie Walsh talks defense, diplomacy, and trade issues with Australia’s U.S. Ambassador.

Can Australian Military Do It All?

Can Australian Military Do It All?

Australia’s armed forces are under pressure to do more than just fight. But how much else should they do?

How Australia Sees America

How Australia Sees America

Australia is happy for a closer alliance with the U.S. But it will always be based on Canberra’s best interests.

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