
What Austria's Emperor Franz Joseph Can Teach Trump About War With North Korea
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Franz Joseph saw an opportunity through war to ‘Make Austria-Hungary great again.' Instead he plunged the world into global conflict.

Austria Helps China Build New Electronic Warfare Plane
By Franz-Stefan Gady
China’s new spy plane features an Austrian-made airframe.

'Arma Virumque Cano' - Parades and Militarism in Asia
By Franz-Stefan Gady
When militarism and national insecurity intersect, as they seem to be doing today in Asia, carnage often follows.

India: The Austria-Hungary of the 21st Century?
By Franz-Stefan Gady
If it heeds the lessons of history, the US would do well not to foster close ties with India in the next few years.

Why the US Should Encourage Closer Sino-Indian Ties
By Franz-Stefan Gady
A "deadlocked alliance" between Beijing and New Delhi may be good news for the United States.
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