Ayatollah Khamenei

How to Avoid Disaster With Iran
If the West wants to turn the screws on Iran’s regime it must do more to ensure that it isn’t hurting the Iranian people.

Iran: Between U.S. and a Hard Place
Iran’s supreme leader has built much of his legitimacy around demonizing the United States. So what could he really offer in talks with the U.S.?
Will Iran Lash Out at Weak Israel?
A cornered Iranian supreme leader might be tempted to boost his domestic standing by lashing out at Israel. Israel is ill-equipped to respond.

Time for West to Wise Up on Iran
Last week’s assault on the British Embassy was unacceptable. But more sanctions are only going to embolden Iran’s ideologues.

Embassy Siege Sign of What's Ahead?
The attack on the British Embassy in Iran was a troubling escalation. If the attack was ordered by the supreme leader’s son, it could be just the start.

Memo to Iran: Obama Won’t Let It Go
The latest IAEA report on Iran’s nuclear program has strengthened the hand of those calling for tougher action. But the U.S. should open the diplomacy door wider.

Ahmadinejad: Iran’s Last President?
Iran’s supreme leader has hinted that the country’s presidency could be eliminated. It’s a clear warning to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Punching Holes in the Iran Plot
The idea that the alleged Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador went to the very top is fanciful, says Robert Dreyfuss. Still, it has almost certainly scuppered the prospects for talks.

Was Khamenei Reckless - Or Set Up?
Claims Iran was plotting to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador on US soil are extraordinary. Would Iran’s leadership really have OK’d such a plot?

Ahmadinejad on the Ropes
Tensions between the president and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei have been bubbling to the surface. Ahmadinejad is running out of options.

Inside Iran’s Fight for Supremacy
Claims of witchcraft and sorcery, firings and reinstatements – who will win the battle of wills between the Supreme Leader and President Ahmadinejad?

Back to the Drawing Board on Iran
A new US intelligence estimate shies from accusing Iran of restarting pursuit of a nuclear bomb. But Arab world unrest has strengthened its hand.