Ayatollah Khamenei
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WikiLeaks’ Awkward Reading for Iran
The interesting thing about the revelations over Iran’s neighbours is just how far they’d go to stop it from acquiring a nuclear bomb.
Who’s Next on Ahmadinejad’s List?
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has managed to dispense with two high-profile opponents. Who’s next in his crosshairs?
Iran and the P5+1: Dual Track Clash
With suspicion high on all sides, the latest round of talks on Iran's nuclear programme look doomed before they start. So why is anyone bothering?
The Missing Ayatollah
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei wants his son to succeed him. But does a trip reminiscent of Prophet Muhammad’s also reveal something about his health?
The Seditious Ahmadinejad?
Ultra conservative criticism of Ahmadinejad is growing and Khamenei’s fatwa looks desperate. Will regime in-fighting boil over?
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