
India’s Modi Opens Controversial Hindu Temple in Ayodhya
By Biswajeet Banerjee, Sheikh Saaliq and Krutika Pathi
The building of the Ram temple at the site of a demolished 16th century mosque is expected to provide a shot in the arm to the Hindu nationalist BJP’s prospects in upcoming elections.

Modi’s Leading Role at Ram Temple Marks a New Indian Republic
By Mohamed Zeeshan
He has set a precedent for Indian PMs to perform religious functions, thereby effectively rendering non-Hindus unelectable for that position.

Ram Temple Stirs Religious Fervor as India Readies for Election Fever
By Junaid Kathju and Luqmaan Zeerak
The temple town of Ayodhya is decorated with Hindu images, flags, and buntings in anticipation of the homecoming of the Hindu deity Ram.

India’s Opposition Parties Set to Skip Ram Temple Inauguration Event
By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
Their decisions seem bold, given that the BJP’s rise has prompted many of them earlier to adopt strategies seeking to appease the Hindu majority.

Indian Court Acquits All Accused in the 1992 Destruction of a 16th Century Mosque
By Abhijnan Rej
The contentious Ayodhya verdict is likely to further aggravate Hindu-Muslim relations in India.

Modi Lays Foundation of Hindu Temple at Razed Mosque Site
By Associated Press
India’s prime minister attended the ground-breaking for a controversial temple built on the site of the demolished 16th century Babri mosque.

Hindu Temple Triumphs in Babri Masjid Mosque Case
By Associated Press
India’s Supreme Court ruled in favor of a Hindu temple in one of India’s most contentious religious disputes.

India's Ram Mandir Controversy Gains New Relevance. What Are the Stakes?
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
Should the Ram Mandir be built?
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