Balakot strikes

As Tensions Cool, Pakistan-India Train Service Resumes
By Zaheer Babar and Roshan Mughaal
Cross-border transportation returns to a degree of normalcy.

Don't Overlook the Root Cause of the Latest India-Pakistan Flare-up
By Sidra Hamidi
Behind the specific events of February 2019, there’s the larger danger of rising nationalism in both countries.

From Pulwama to Balakot: What Did Pakistan Learn From the Recent Crisis?
By Umair Jamal
What did Pakistan learn from the latest round of tensions with India?

India and Pakistan’s Main Battle Tank Forces: An Overview
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The two South Asian rivals field two of the world’s largest tank armies.

Why the Indian Air Force Strike at Balakot in Pakistan Matters
By Ankit Panda and Prashanth Parameswaran
A discussion of what we know so far about Indian air strikes on Pakistani territory on February 26, 2019.
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