
balance of power

Decoding Xi Jinping’s ‘Asia Pacific Community With a Shared Future’

Decoding Xi Jinping’s ‘Asia Pacific Community With a Shared Future’

By Marina Yue Zhang
Against the U.S. decoupling push, Xi envisions a hub-and-spokes model of a distributed supply chain network – with China as the “hub.” 
6 Suggestions for Biden’s China Policy

6 Suggestions for Biden’s China Policy

By Andy Zelleke
Biden will have to lead and negotiate with urgency in three interdependent contexts: at home, with partner governments, and with Beijing.

What Would a Pluralist US Asia Policy Look Like?

What Would a Pluralist US Asia Policy Look Like?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
While the concept may help soothe worries of a bipolar framing of U.S.-China rivalry, whether it can be put into practice remains to be seen.

End the INF Treaty, But Don't Set Aside Arms Control Altogether in Asia

End the INF Treaty, But Don't Set Aside Arms Control Altogether in Asia

By Robert Farley
The INF Treaty may no longer suit U.S. interests, but that doesn't mean arms control has no place in Asia.

Graham Allison on the 'Thucydides Trap'

Graham Allison on the 'Thucydides Trap'

By Shannon Tiezzi
“If leaders just keep doing what they have been doing... the odds that they stumble to war seem to me greater than even.”
The Shangri-La Dialogue: Lots of Talk, Few Answers

The Shangri-La Dialogue: Lots of Talk, Few Answers

By Mark J. Valencia
Rather than “building confidence,” the Dialogue exacerbated relations between China and the United States and its allies.

The Problem With the Pivot, Part 2

The Problem With the Pivot, Part 2

By Jared McKinney
"The pivot to Asia is a pivot to conflict with China."
The Myth of a ‘Strategic Imbalance’ in the South China Sea

The Myth of a ‘Strategic Imbalance’ in the South China Sea

By Greg Austin
As Australia focuses on China's perceived advantages in the SCS, it's worth taking a closer look at that narrative.

Robert Strausz-Hupe and the Balance of Tomorrow

Robert Strausz-Hupe and the Balance of Tomorrow

By Francis P. Sempa
Meet the WWII era political scientist who predicted the tilt in the balance of power towards Asia.

Nicholas Spykman and the Struggle for the Asiatic Mediterranean

Nicholas Spykman and the Struggle for the Asiatic Mediterranean

By Francis P. Sempa
A remarkably prescient WWII geostrategist foresaw a struggle between the U.S. and China for control of the “Asian Rimland.”

Russia in Crimea: When States Act Out of Insecurity

Russia in Crimea: When States Act Out of Insecurity

By Ankit Panda
Did Western policymakers in Ukraine forget that security is often the greatest foreign policy motivator?
China Can Be More Powerful Without Getting Rich

China Can Be More Powerful Without Getting Rich

By Zachary Keck
History shows that wealth is a poor indicator of the distribution of power in the international system.

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