
Bangladesh Liberation War

Bangladesh’s Bid to Rewrite History

Bangladesh’s Bid to Rewrite History

By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
Sections in post-Hasina Bangladesh want to "rescue" the Awami League’s usurpation of the Liberation War’s history. Others question the Liberation War itself.
Bangladesh Government Arrests Jamaat-e-Islami Chief for Extremist Links

Bangladesh Government Arrests Jamaat-e-Islami Chief for Extremist Links

By Shafi Md Mostofa
Political calculations rather than security imperatives seem to underlie the Awami League government’s decision.

Bangladesh’s Evolving Relations With India and Pakistan

Bangladesh’s Evolving Relations With India and Pakistan

By Delwar Hossain
Bangladesh’s relations with India and Pakistan have gone through inverse cycles of friendship and hostility.

Why Won’t Pakistan Fully Recognize the 1971 War?

Why Won’t Pakistan Fully Recognize the 1971 War?

By Asif Muztaba Hassan
Fully recognizing the atrocities committed during the war will be equivalent to acknowledging the Two Nations Theory has failed, a significant blow to Pakistan’s identity.

How the Cold War Shaped Bangladesh’s Liberation War

How the Cold War Shaped Bangladesh’s Liberation War

By Shah Tazrian Ashrafi
The 1971 war served as a perfect ground for the age-old India-Pakistan hostility to play out, it also attracted the attention of the Cold War’s key players.
Time for Pakistan to Apologize to Bangladesh

Time for Pakistan to Apologize to Bangladesh

By Uzair Younus
For moral and strategic reasons, Pakistan should offer a long-overdue apology for the atrocities of 1971.

Justice for Bangladesh: Pakistan's Little-Remembered Promise

Justice for Bangladesh: Pakistan's Little-Remembered Promise

By Md. Rizwanul Islam
In 1973, Pakistan promised to try members of its armed forces for war crimes committed in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Hangs Another Islamist Leader

Bangladesh Hangs Another Islamist Leader

By Roshni Kapur
Motiur Rahman Nizami is the fourth Islamist official to be hanged for war crimes during the 1971 Liberation War.

Bangladesh: “Religion in Our Hearts and Secularism on Our Sleeves"

Bangladesh: “Religion in Our Hearts and Secularism on Our Sleeves"

Bangladesh displays a rare balance between secularism and religion.

Bangladesh: Between Justice and Politics

Bangladesh: Between Justice and Politics

Politics threaten Bangladesh’s four-plus decade quest for justice.

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