
Bangladesh Politics

Nahid Islam on Bangladesh’s New Youth-Led Political Party

Nahid Islam on Bangladesh’s New Youth-Led Political Party

By Saqlain Rizve
“We do not want the Awami League to participate in the elections.”
The Rise of the National Citizen Party: A New Dawn in Bangladeshi Politics?

The Rise of the National Citizen Party: A New Dawn in Bangladeshi Politics?

By Shafi Md Mostofa
A new political party formed by the students who led the July 2024 uprising represents a bold attempt to redefine Bangladeshi politics.

Imagining Democratic Futures in South Asia

Imagining Democratic Futures in South Asia

By Michael Runey and Emma Kenny
What could democracy in the region look like in 2040 and beyond?

10 Hard Questions for Dr. Yunus and the Young Revolutionaries in Bangladesh

10 Hard Questions for Dr. Yunus and the Young Revolutionaries in Bangladesh

By Anu Anwar
Bangladesh stands at a historic crossroads. We must not fail.

The Bangladesh Awami League: From Dominance to a Legitimacy Crisis

The Bangladesh Awami League: From Dominance to a Legitimacy Crisis

By Shafi Md Mostofa
Rebuilding political legitimacy will be an uphill battle for the Awami League, requiring a reimagining of its organizational structure and a substantive ideological recalibration.
Can Hasina’s Awami League Make a Comeback in Bangladesh’s Next Election?

Can Hasina’s Awami League Make a Comeback in Bangladesh’s Next Election?

By Shahadat Swadhin
The Awami League is unlikely to make a swift comeback in Bangladesh's political landscape

Revolution and Rivalry: Can Bangladesh Escape Its Illiberal Past?

Revolution and Rivalry: Can Bangladesh Escape Its Illiberal Past?

By Shafi Md Mostofa
Bangladesh’s entrenched political culture, rooted in decades of illiberal democracy, violence, and bad governance, casts a long shadow.
The Forgotten Opposition: Bangladesh’s Left in the Shadow of Major Parties

The Forgotten Opposition: Bangladesh’s Left in the Shadow of Major Parties

By Saqlain Rizve
Despite their legacy of activism – including during the July Revolution – Bangladesh’s leftist groups remain marginalized in the broader political discourse.

The Role of Bangladesh’s Military in the July Revolution and Its Historical Legacy

The Role of Bangladesh’s Military in the July Revolution and Its Historical Legacy

By Shafi Md Mostofa
After a long period of military rule, the military’s overt role in politics has diminished since the 1990s – as evidenced by its restrained role during the revolution of July-August 2024.

From Revolution to Reform: The Rise of a Youth-Led Political Party in Bangladesh

From Revolution to Reform: The Rise of a Youth-Led Political Party in Bangladesh

By Shahadat Swadhin
As the National Citizens’ Committee evolves into a political party it will face challenges establishing its own place in a deeply polarized political arena.

Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on the BNP’s Vision for Bangladesh

Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on the BNP’s Vision for Bangladesh

By Shahadat Swadhin
The BNP’s secretary general says the party sees the mass uprising of July-August 2024 as “the emergence of a new opportunity to transform Bangladesh into a democratic state.” 
The Political Instrument­alization of Bangladesh’s Hindu Community

The Political Instrument­alization of Bangladesh’s Hindu Community

By Shahadat Swadhin
Rather than addressing the challenges faced by Hindus, political parties – particularly the Awami League – have a history of politicizing their struggles.

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