Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters

Can Duterte Bring Peace to the Philippines?
By Zachary Abuza
Forging peace in Mindanao is a far more challenging task than many appreciate.

Philippines Captures Top Militant of Splinter Rebel Group
By Prashanth Parameswaran
High-ranking leader Hasan Indal nabbed in a joint operation.

Malaysian Peacekeepers Could Face Toughest Challenge Yet
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The country’s armed forces chief signals rough road ahead for peace monitors.

Philippine Peace Pact in Peril?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Clash risks complicating fragile peace between the government and Muslim rebels.

Misuari Costs MNLF Any Goodwill After Zamboanga Debacle
The attack on Zamboanga has severely damaged MNLF’s reputation with leader Nu Misauri at the helm.
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