Barisan Nasional

The 'Foreign Interference' Blame Game in Malaysia’s Upcoming Election
By Erin Cook
Accusations are being leveled by both sides as the campaign rhetoric heats up.

Malaysia's General Election: The Battleground States
By Karl C.L. Lee and S.K. Chia
The new general election will feature a localization of electoral politics unseen in Malaysian political history.

Will #SpoiltVote Impact Malaysia’s Upcoming General Election?
By Khoo Ying Hooi
Dissatisfied with the BN and the opposition, some are calling for votes to sit out the 2018 elections.

Malaysia’s Long History of Election Rigging
By Shrish Srivastava
Opposition candidate Mahathir Mohammed is just as guilty as current Prime Minister Najib Razak.

The Challenge for Najib’s ‘Malay First’ Policy in Malaysia’s Next Election
By Erin Cook
The failure to truly address minority concerns may come back to bite the premier in 2018.

The End of Malaysia’s Multi-Ethnic Coalition?
By Stephan Giersdorf
Najib Razak's embrace of an Islamic party overturns a decades-long tradition of narrowing ethnic and religious divides.

Can Malaysia's Opposition Win?
By Nithin Coca
Despite the massive 1MDB scandal, Malaysia's ruling party might be in an even better position than in 2013.

Malaysia's Recent Elections Weren't Just About Najib's Popularity
By Rui Hao Puah
The twin by-elections need to be properly understood.

What's Behind Malaysia's Pile of Missing Money?
By Luke Hunt
A financial scandal implicating Malaysia's prime minister has gripped the country.

Malaysian Lawyers March Against ‘Sedition Blitz’
By Mong Palatino
Growing domestic and international attention is stepping up pressure on the Malaysian government.

Malaysia’s Sedition Debate
By Kirsten Han
As the government continues to wield the colonial-era legislation, opposition is mounting.

Malaysia’s Ruling Party Cracks Down on Homeless
By Karam Singh Sethi
Is the closing down of homeless shelters in Kuala Lumpur to cleanse the capital’s ‘image’ the last straw for Malaysian citizens?