
Russia’s Foreign Minister Slams US Over Military Buildup in Asia
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Russia continues to be worried about the U.S. rebalance to Asia.

Beijing Practices Invasion of South China Sea Islands
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Chinese Navy just deployed the world’s biggest hovercraft for an assault drill on Hainan Island.

Confirmed: Beijing is Building World’s Largest Sea Plane for Use in South China Sea
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The new plane will be able to execute a host of military assignments.

How the US Is Trying to Shape Norms in Cyberspace
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Washington appears to be serious about upholding the distinction between commercial versus traditional cyber espionage.

China Wants to Develop a New Long-Range Strategic Bomber
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Can China’s aviation industry deliver?

Hillary Clinton Is Angry With China Over Cyber Attacks
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Will cyber attacks purportedly carried out by Chinese hackers be a campaign issue in 2016?

How America and China Have Different Visions of International Order
By Alek Chance
One man’s leadership is another man’s hegemony.

Meet China’s New Submarine Hunter Plane
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Beijing’s newest anti-submarine warfare weapon is closing a critical capability gap.

Star Wars: The US Gets Ready to Battle China and Russia in Space
By Franz-Stefan Gady
The American military will set up a new command center to better coordinate responses to attacks in space.

China Prepares Its 172,000 Civilian Ships for War
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Chinese civilian shipbuilders have to ensure that their vessels can be used by the PLAN during times of 'crisis'.
Revealed: China’s Deadly New Gun
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Watch out tankers! This new armor-piercing weapon could spell trouble for your tracked vehicles.

How China Practices the Invasion of Taiwan
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Recent Chinese military maneuvers in the Bashi Channel had only one purpose.